This is a French series that covers all elements of the Junior Certificate course. It...
This Junior Certificate French book continues the work begun in Planète...
This is a comprehensive laboratory manual for Leaving Certificate Physics at Higher and...
This Atlas is suitable for all levels of Post-Primary school. It now includes and...
A tragedy by William Shakespeare for Leaving Certificate English.
This edition...
This book covers the Leaving Certificate Biology course for Higher and Ordinary Level...
This book offers a thorough preparation for the student taking the Leaving Certificate...
This book prepares students for the Junior Certificate English exam at both Higher and...
Navigate is an innovative, engaging textbook for Junior Certificate Geography. Clearly...
This Leaving Certificate History book contains a detailed account of Option 2...
This book is now a Discontinued Publication.
This book covers the listening paper...
This syllabus-led textbook covers both the Higher and Ordinary Level course...